Coinherence: An Attempt

singing harmony in a world torn apart

My Photo

husband, father, pastor, student, teacher, fan...

28 April 2008

my birthday trip (in pictures)

getting the car cleaned up and ready for travel

strolling to dinner at bubba gump shrimp co.

waiting to eat at bubba gump shrimp co.

also waiting to eat at bubba gump shrimp co.

dessert, breakfast, and dessert again {beignets at cafe du monde}

what was left (after round #1)

"down by the river!"

an incredible street band

a lovely beignet destroyer (after breakfast)

the coast guard (patrolling the mighty mississippi)

hanging with fish from the amazon (at the aquarium)

the girls and the jaws and teeth of a shark [real?]

me and a kindly sea horse

the band, again {a different performance}

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22 April 2008

"Happy birthday, Adam!"

That's right. A birthday greeting to myself, for today is indeed my birthday.

Lindsey and I were doing the math Sunday morning (Yes, math was needed, though certainly quite elementary math - I might add. [pun certainly purposed]), and it seems that today I actually turned 27. Woo hoo! The big 2...7...

And, where am I? In New Orleans, Louisiana. It has been a blast of a day with the family. Poor ole Lucas Joe couldn't make it with us, though. My parents kindly agreed to take care of him at their house while Lindsey, the kids, and I celebrate in the Big Easy. And so, I'm here in a cozy room at the beautiful Hotel St. Marie, right smack in the middle of the Quarter which gives its name to France (i.e., the French Quarter "for those in Rio Linda"). And I'm with the three people in the whole wide world whom I like and love the most.

Life is good!

Blessings to all (or, really and quite honestly, the few [This is but a humble blog only visited by a small and probably dwindling crowd. By the way, sorry for the lack of posts, but - seriously - who doesn't get swamped from time to time? {In case you missed it - another pun: swamp... New Orleans, Louisiana...}]).

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