Coinherence: An Attempt

singing harmony in a world torn apart

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husband, father, pastor, student, teacher, fan...

25 August 2007

an admission

So, yesterday I came to a realization:

I really enjoy sarcasm. Just days ago, a friend and I were talking about this - in my opinion - gift beautiful gift to language and expression, but yesterday I realized that I seem to actually love it, to some extent. Here's essentially what I mean - when someone storms out of their corner with their gloves lying on the floor, my weapon of choice is almost always sarcasm of some sort - well, at least a bit of sassy flare.

A fatal flaw? Possibly. I do understand that sarcasm often kills communication.

If you will read or have already read my last post, you will see a bit of sass in my choice of words, tone, and pace. If you knew the context, though, you would hopefully understand why I so quickly pulled out both six shooters. [I must note that I did get a rousing response - basically... "You think you know it all, huh?!"]

I never want to come across as someone who thinks he knows it all, has it all together, can't be found wrong, or any of the such (a post coming soon).

* Coinherence? Before I get there completely, I think it is responsible to lay some foundation. [Trust me. The house itself is coming. (Quite frankly, I'm just itching to build.)]

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24 August 2007

recently on decapolis...

Just a few days ago, I expectantly joined a forum for discussion on a site I enjoy checking every once in a while. As I had hoped, I stepped in on some interesting thoughts. Here is my latest input concerning the inescapability of theological thinking (i.e., dogma, doctrine, etc.)...

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so, basically, all you have said is that feeling and doubt are the basis of any knowledge, but - even there - any potential knowledge is merely some vague hope grounded upon nothing but subjective experience.

further, you speak of good and evil (i.e., pain and suffering) which tells me that - whether you like it or not - you do operate from some dogma.

i'll be honest in noting that i'm not familiar with momma t's writings. i suppose the same gutt-wrenching fears, doubts (?), and questions could be said of bonhoeffer - or even john the baptist for that matter. what about jeremiah or habakkuk? christ on the cross? i would assume that all of mankind - at some point or another - have experienced some form of dark night (st. john of the cross). that dark night, though, as in the case of each of these examples, never gives ground to remove all knowledge - real, genuine, subjectively objective knowledge - hard, attainable truth.

you are right in having a heart for the hurting, but why? because of dogma - like it or not. you may not want some nicely worked and worded systematic theology, but you cannot escape being a theologian of some sorts.

"tremendous liberty... in a spiritual fog of ambiguity and doubt"? sounds like transcendentalism.

and as for who is out there... he has made himself personally known. i suggest you start with jesus.

religion - the bible's term, not mine. but what do you call prayer, if not religious? scripture, if not religious? church - oh, that dreaded bore? to reject religion (true religion, that is) always leads to antinominanism and inherent hell - whether literal and eternal or subjective and still unmistakenly real. in fact, i would make the case that being left with nothing but my feelings, doubts, wishful thinking, and all-to-wanting kindnesses would be quite an unbearable hell itself.

my fear is going too far in rejecting what is known and can be known (true christian religion) merely for the sake of some fleeting thoughts.


please be undestanding

After much deliberation, I have decided to do what I am now doing - create a blog. So, here goes...

My desire is to not leave hanging anyone who checks this blog. I hate un-up-to-date blogs and would, therefore, hate to find myself as the culprit.

Nevertheless, please understand that I am currently the husband of a wonderful woman (with whom I should spend more time), the father of a beautiful little lady (who is looking forward to playing with a new brother or sister in a mere matter of weeks - possibly days), the pastor of a church in a small town (a group that is small yet not insignificant to the Kingdom), and a student among many of a great seminary (one known as Wesley Biblical, whose impact is felt throughout the world - West and East).

So, thank you for your kind understanding, and please feel beyond welcome to join me in thoughtful consideration as I try to hold together - to some finite extend - the world I call home...

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