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23 December 2010

questions I've been asking the youth

The following is a list of passages and questions our youth have been reading and answering on Thursday nights this Advent as we gather at the Daily Grind for coffee and study...

Luke 1:26-38
What are your favorite memories of the Christmas season?
What do you like most about Christmastime?
How important / meaningful is Christmas to you, and why?
In what ways are you willing to prepare for Christmas this year?

Luke 1:39-56
What does Advent have to do with the presence of Christ?
How does the presence of Christ effect sin?
How does the presence of Christ affect you?
Do others see the presence of Christ in your life; if so or not, why and how?

Matthew 1:18-25
How does the presence of Christ affect the way you treat others?
Are your relationships characterized by love? if so, how? if not, why?
What does Christmas tell us about the nature of God?
How would you rate (1-10) your preparation for this Christmas? Why?

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