Coinherence: An Attempt

singing harmony in a world torn apart

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husband, father, pastor, student, teacher, fan...

26 January 2008

Abortion and the Workforce?

check out the above-linked blog post for some interesting thoughts viewing abortion in relation to the need for more workers in America. [source: Randy Huff]

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25 January 2008

A Story of Self-giving Love

wow! [check out the above-linked article.]

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16 January 2008

Aidan's 4-month check-up...

He's getting huge, fellas. He's getting huge!

This dude is already over 15 pounds - in fact, 2 ounces over. Just to put that into perspective... At his two month check-up, he was 11 pounds and 8 ounces. In case your math is a bit rusty, that means he has gained almost half a pound a week. Yikes! At this rate, I think he will be able to get signed with the Packers and work his way into a starting position on the offensive line before Favre retires. [Maybe this could be my chance to finally meet #4!]

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11 January 2008

What am I doing over Christmas break?

among other things...

i'm playing with Play-Doh.

an update on Rush's "Brief Sermon"

[click the title.]

among all other things that might be said about him, one thing is for sure... rush doesn't back down. i applaud him on many issues, but this is great. major dittos!

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